Find Out EXACTLY What You Can Do To 



(Especially if modern fertility methods haven't worked for you)

(Especially if modern fertility methods haven't worked for you)

...While Improving Every  Aspect Of Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health!

(Yes, it's really possible... Watch the video below to learn more...)

Optimize Your Fertility TODAY!


The Make-A-Baby Bundle has EVERYTHING you need to FINALLY get pregnant...and STAY pregnant!

100+ Hours Of Video Education

Having the right information on what YOU need to improve your fertility is the key to conceiving when nothing else has worked.

You'll learn EXACTLY what you need to do to personalize your fertility journey instead of relying on a one-size-fits all solution that's handed out to EVERY struggling couple. 

Improve Your Egg and Sperm Quality

You're a unique person with unique needs, and with the Make-A-Baby Bundle, you'll learn how to work WITH your body instead of against it to maximize your chances of natural conception.

Everything you'll learn in this bundle is based on a 100% natural, personalized approach to fertility. 

Holistic Approach To Pregnancy

Unlike other methods, the Make-A-Baby Bundle does NOT treat your body like a group of isolated systems.

From nutrition to stress to improving your blood flow, the Make-A-Baby Bundle covers EVERYTHING you need to conceive while improving every aspect of your life.

Treat The Root Cause Of Infertility

You wouldn't take antibiotics to get rid of a paper cut... so why would you resort to plain old ovulation tracking when your body is telling you it needs something different?

The Make-A-Baby Bundle will teach you to learn to read your body's signs and act on them to improve your fertility NOW.

Treat The Root Cause Of Infertility

You wouldn't take antibiotics to get rid of a paper cut... so why would you resort to plain old ovulation tracking when your body is telling you it needs something different?

The Make-A-Baby Bundle will teach you to learn to read your body's signs and act on them to improve your fertility NOW.

For You AND Your Partner

50% of the time, the male's sperm is a big part of the  reason why a woman can't conceive. 

It takes two to tango, which is why the Make-A-Baby Bundle is designed to address both partners' reproductive health with a holistic, natural approach to fertility. 

Step-By-Step Roadmap

There's nothing worse than feeling stuck and hopeless on your fertility journey...

In the Make-A-Baby Bundle, I'll lay out the exact steps you need to take in regards to diet, sex life, supplements, egg quality optimization, and more to get pregnant ASAP.

Who Is The Make-A-Baby Bundle For?

⦾ Couples who have struggled to get pregnant and are open to trying a holistic approach that has been used for over 5,000 years to treat infertility. 

⦾ Women who haven't found success with modern fertility methods such as IVF, basic ovulation tracking, medication, etc...

⦾ Couples who want to  identify and solve the root cause of their infertility issues once and for all.

⦾ Women who want to conceive naturally with non-invasive methods.

⦾ Couples who want to improve every aspect of their physical, emotional, and sex life on the journey to conception. 

⦾ Couples who, despite their past fertility struggles, still hold on to a glimmer of hope...

So if this sounds like you and you're ready to try a proven approach that really addresses the root cause of your infertility...

Then it's time to...

Leave Your Days Of Hopelessness Behind And Start Your Journey To A Positive Pregnancy Today!

Take Back Control Of Your Fertility!

Who Am I?

Dr. Hoehn is a Los Angeles-based board-certified acupuncturist who specializes in supporting women’s wellness and fertility.

She is best known for  developing extremely effective fertility solutions for couples who have struggled to get pregnant with modern fertility methods. 

Her holistic approach blends modern fertility science with timeless principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to not only help couples conceive when they've completely given up hope...

But help them improve every aspect of their physical, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual, and sex lives on the journey to conception.

Dr. Hoehn received a master’s degree with honors from Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine and her doctorate in fertility acupuncture from Pacific College of Health Sciences. She is board-certified both nationally and in the state of California. In addition, Dr. Hoehn is also an active member of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). Through ABORM, she pursued additional specialized training in reproductive health and fertility acupuncture and holds the distinction of being an ABORM fellow.



Why I HAD To Develop This Program


In the past 10 years, I've met thousands of struggling couples who have tried (almost) everything to get pregnant...

And most of the time, the story goes a little like this: 

A woman comes to me and tells me she and her partner have tried EVERYTHING to get pregnant, and that they've done exactly what other doctors and experts have told them to do...

She's quit the pill...

She's been tracking her ovulation for what feels like forever...

She's tried all kinds of medication, from Clomid to gonadotropins...

She and her partner have been timing their intimate moments down to the minute for MONTHS...

They've even tried more invasive methods like IVF and IUI with no success...

But nothing has worked, and she and her partner are barely hanging on to a thread of hope that they'll someday live their dream of giving life to a baby...

And even though I've listened to slightly different variations of the same scenario over a thousand times now, my reaction is always the same:

I feel heartbroken. 

I feel heartbroken because I believe everyone who wants to be a parent deserves that chance...

And it's incredibly painful to see struggling couples have to jump through so many hoops just to do something that should really be natural...

The truth is... treating infertility is NOT as difficult as the modern medical industry sometimes makes it seem.

In fact, if you were to address the ROOT CAUSE of your infertility today, you'd be pregnant in just a few weeks' time... guaranteed. 

But that's the problem: Most modern fertility methods, treatments, and solutions are not only outdated...

But they're not even designed to treat the ROOT CAUSE of infertility. 

Let me ask you this...

Since you started on your TTC journey...

How many of the doctors, experts, and specialists you've been to have spoken to you about the impact of your emotional state and subconscious beliefs on your overall fertility? 

How many of them have given you an in-depth look at how your diet might be affecting your hormones, which in turn affects your fertility?

How many of them have told you that solving your infertility requires a 100% personalized approach instead of a one-size-fits all treatment that doesn't even address the mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational aspects of your life?

One of the sad realities of today's modern medical industry is that most doctors are only trained to solve urgent and immediate medical issues...

Which leaves developing safe, effective, holistic fertility solutions at the bottom of the priority list.

To make matters worse, as you've probably realized by now, most fertility "solutions" on the market today treat the body like a group of isolated systems that have nothing to do with each other...

And nothing could be further from the truth...

Your body is the most beautiful system nature could create, and when things go wrong, it's vital to develop solutions that improve EVERY aspect of the system, not just one.

Over the years, I've helped thousands of couples who had completely lost hope in their fertility do a 180 and "miraculously" conceive in just a few weeks.

Still, for each couple I was able to help 1-on-1, there were thousands of others I couldn't help due to simple time constraints. 

At the end of the day, there's only one of me!

This made me OBSESS over developing new ways of educating couples on how they could naturally increase their chances of conception by implementing the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine that have allowed me to help thousands of other couples in similar situations.

It became my life's goal to build a solution that would allow the average struggling couple to completely change their luck by FINALLY addressing the root cause of their infertility...

A solution that was non-invasive and wouldn't require couples to spend all their savings just to increase their chance of conception...

And most importantly...

A solution that was personalized, easy to implement, and designed to treat the body as a holistic system to improve every aspect of a couple's life on their journey to conception.

And now, after an entire decade of work, I am beyond excited to present to you...


'The Make-a-Baby Bundle'

Your holistic roadmap to naturally supercharge your fertility and turn baby dreams into reality!

Get The Make-A-Baby Bundle

Here's Everything You'll Get With The Make-A-Baby Bundle...

#1: Qi-Quality Eggs

Qi-Quality Eggs covers EVERYTHING you need to do to improve the quality of your eggs from the comfort of your home.

If boosting your egg quality to skyrocket your chances at a radiant pregnancy is the goal...

Qi-Quality Eggs Is The Roadmap.

What's included:

Module 1: Understanding Fertility & Egg Quality

Module 2: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Module 3: The Connection of Qi and Egg Quality

Module 4: Lifestyle and Nutritional Strategies to Enhance Fertility

Module 5: Mind-Body Practices to Boost Fertility

Module 6: Building Your Personalized Fertility Enhancement Plan

Module 7: Environmental Exposure and Egg Quality

#2: Sperm Success Strategy

If you feel like you've done everything to optimize your own fertility and you still haven't been able to conceive...

Your partner's sperm might be the issue. 

Sperm Success Strategy is the holistic roadmap your partner needs to improve his sperm count, strength, and overall health. 

Fertility is a two-way street, and Sperm Success Strategy will help you fill in the gaps you might be missing to FINALLY reach your dreams of conception.

What's Included:

Module 1: Introduction to Fertility and TCM

Module 2: TCM Dietary Principles for Enhancing Male Fertility

Module 3: Herbs and Acupressure in TCM for Male Fertility

Module 4: Lifestyle, Emotions, and Male Fertility in TCM

Module 5: Sperm Specifics - Western Perspectives

Module 6: TCM Differential Diagnosis for Male Factor Fertility

Module 7: Conscious Coupling and Emotional Readiness

Module 8: Comprehensive Male Fertility Enhancement Plan

Start Your Fertility Journey Today!

What People Are Saying About Dr. Hoehn:



"Working with Dr. Hoehn has been the BEST decision I ever made. She helped me achieve regular periods - first time in 3 years. My husband has less stress. We finally feel ready to conceive. Because of Dr. Hoehn, we are in great health and got down to what was causing our miscarriages."



"When I came to Dr. Hoehn, I had no answers for my unexplained fertility. With her Traditional Chinese Medicine protocols, I have been able to conceive my baby boy. I am due in 3 months!"




"I enjoyed BBT charting and learning more about my cycle. Two months after starting with Beck I was able to conceive naturally."


Start Your Fertility Journey Today!
Enjoy 40% OFF on The Make-A-Baby Bundle! Your discount will automatically applied at checkout if you get the Make-A-Baby Bundle today!

Achieve Optimal Fertility Naturally

Start Your Fertility Journey Today!

My Guarantee To You...

I want to be very real with you...

This is probably NOT the first solution you've explored to increase your chances of becoming pregnant... 

Heck, if you're here, it's probably not even the second, third, fourth, or even fifth solution you've looked into...

And for that, I am sorry.

I'm sorry that the modern medical industry has made you jump through so many hoops and has made you believe that fertility is this obscure, complex, unexplainable secret that you don't deserve to know...

Because that's just not true.

And even though this might be the millionth thing you've tried to improve your chances of conception...

It's the first one you've tried that not only approaches fertility from a holistic approach, but tackles the ROOT CAUSE of your infertility. 

I'm so confident that the Make-A-Baby Bundle is going to have a very positive impact on your fertility and overall lifestyle, that if you're not 100% happy with the Make-A-Baby Bundle, just shoot me an email within 30 days of your purchase at [email protected] and I'll give you your money back.

No questions asked.

You Might Be Wondering...

What makes the Make-A-Baby Bundle different from the other fertility solutions that haven't worked for me?

Unlike most other fertility solutions, including the ones you've tried in the past, the Make-A-Baby Bundle approaches fertility from a 100% holistic, natural perspective. 

Instead of addressing just one aspect of your fertility and leaving the rest up to chance, you'll learn exactly what you need to do to tackle your infertility from every possible angle to give yourself as high a chance as possible of becoming pregnant.

How long can I expect to wait before seeing results with the Make-A-Baby Bundle?

Because you'll be modifying many different aspects of your lifestyle to optimize your fertility with the Make-A-Baby Bundle, most couples are able to conceive within the first two months.

However, this varies widely from couple to couple depending on several factors such as their commitment to implementing what they learn in the Make-A-Baby Bundle, biological factors, etc...

What can I expect to see inside the Make-A-Baby Bundle?

Inside the Make-A-Baby Bundle, you'll get access to Qi Quality Eggs and Sperm Success Strategy, where you'll learn the step-by-step roadmap you'll need to follow to optimize both you and your partner's reproductive health. 

Each course consists of 7 to 8 modules where you'll learn about the lifestyle changes you need to make to make way for baby!

What happens if I get the Make-A-Baby Bundle and don't love it?

If the Make-A-Baby bundle isn't the right fit for you, just email me at info and I'll issue you a refund, no questions asked.  

Has the Make-A-Baby Bundle worked for other people?

Yes! Absolutely. In fact, I designed the Make-A-Baby Bundle to give you the same resources and teach you the same tools I teach my in-person fertility patients, many of whom have gone on to conceive after years of struggling with modern fertility methods. 

How hard is it to implement what I learn in the Make-A-Baby Bundle?

It's super easy! I specifically designed the Make-A-Baby Bundle for struggling couples who had already tried everything else on their fertility journey and found no success.

And if you have any questions along the way, you can just email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I am VERY confident that this is the answer you've been searching for on your fertility journey!

So if you're ready to take back control over your fertility...


It's Time to Get Started With The Make-A-Baby Bundle!

You're getting...


Dr. Beck Hoehn's step-by-step roadmap to skyrocketing your chances of fertility with a 100% natural, holistic approach to pregnancy!

Start Your Fertility Journey Today!


 P.S. If you feel like you've tried everything and you're starting to lose hope on your fertility journey, the Make-A-Baby Bundle is exactly what you need. 

Don't procrastinate for one more minute and keep relying on solutions that you KNOW deep down are never going to work for you.

Your body is a beautifully complex miracle, and I want to help you take care of it in the best way possible to maximize your chances at a beautiful, well-deserved pregnancy. 

I hope to see you on the inside,

Dr. Beck Hoehn


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Address: 4315 1/2 Riverside Dr. Burbank, C.A. 91505  |  Phone: (213) 674-9445 |  Email: [email protected]