Increase your chances of
with Traditional Chinese Medicine
and Modern Strategies.

Get the Make A Baby Bundle

Do You Struggle With...

What if there's a way to break free from this cycle of confusion and frustration?



'The Make a Baby Bundle'

Your complete roadmap to supercharge your fertility and turn baby dreams into reality.

Qi-Quality Eggs is a journey that merges time-honored traditions with cutting-edge insights, giving you the best chances at a radiant pregnancy.

What you'll get:

Module 1: Understanding Fertility & Egg Quality

Module 2: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Module 3: The Connection of Qi and Egg Quality

Module 4: Lifestyle and Nutritional Strategies to Enhance Fertility

Module 5: Mind-Body Practices to Boost Fertility

Module 6: Building Your Personalized Fertility Enhancement Plan

Module 7: Environmental Exposure and Egg Quality

Sperm Success Strategy
The Definitive Guide to Transforming Your Fertility and Paving Your Clear Path to Fatherhood

What you'll get:

Module 1: Introduction to Fertility and TCM

Module 2: TCM Dietary Principles for Enhancing Male Fertility

Module 3: Herbs and Acupressure in TCM for Male Fertility

Module 4: Lifestyle, Emotions, and Male Fertility in TCM

Module 5: Sperm Specifics - Western Perspectives

Module 6: TCM Differential Diagnosis for Male Factor Fertility

Module 7: Conscious Coupling and Emotional Readiness

Module 8: Comprehensive Male Fertility Enhancement Plan

Start Your Fertility Journey Today!

Nice To Meet You!

Dr. Hoehn is a Los Angeles-based board-certified acupuncturist who treats pain, digestive disorders, stress, and hormonal imbalances, and specializes in supporting women’s wellness and fertility.

Dr. Hoehn received a master’s degree with honors from Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine and her doctorate in fertility acupuncture from Pacific College of Health Sciences. She is board-certified both nationally and in the state of California. In addition, Dr. Hoehn is also an active member of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). Through ABORM, she pursued additional specialized training in reproductive health and fertility acupuncture and holds the distinction of being an ABORM fellow.


Start Your Fertility Journey Today!

What People Are Saying:



"Working with Dr. Hoehn has been the BEST decision I ever made. She helped me achieve regular periods - first time in 3 years. My husband has less stress. We finally feel ready to conceive. Because of Dr. Hoehn, we are in great health and got down to what was causing our miscarriages."



"When I came to Dr. Hoehn, I had no answers for my unexplained fertility. With her Traditional Chinese Medicine protocols, I have been able to conceive my baby boy. I am due in 3 months!"




"I enjoyed BBT charting and learning more about my cycle. Two months after starting with Beck I was able to conceive naturally."


Start Your Fertility Journey Today!
Enjoy 30% OFF on The Make a Baby Bundle! Use code MABB30 at checkout.

Achieve Optimal Fertility Naturally

Start Your Fertility Journey Today!

You are not alone on your journey to parenthood. Let the Make a Baby Bundle be your guide.

Take Control of Your Fertility Naturally (Learn More!)

You are not alone on your journey to parenthood. Let the Make a Baby Bundle be your guide.

Take Control of Your Fertility Naturally (Learn More!)
LET'S MAKE A BABY with Qi-Quality Eggs & Sperm Success Strategy!

$197.00 USD